Finished Example
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This is a working tutorial. First make sure the Quick Properties Editor is open by pressing the icon on the left toolbar. If you want to view a finished example of this tutorial press the "Finished Example" text link above.

1. Add a picture.

Press the Mona Lisa button to load a picture. Select the file vmlogo.gif from the /ClipArt directory.

2. Move the Picture.

Select the picture with your mouse and move it to the top left corner.

3. Add a link.

In the Quick Editor, select the 'Link' tab. Select http:// from the "Link Type" drop box. Type into the "Select or enter a URL" box. Select OK to exit the Object Editor.

4. Create a shape.

Select the Rectangle Button on the left toolbar to create a square. Move your mouse to about the center of the page and click to create a 100/100 square. Use your mouse to grab and stretch the right corner to make a rectangle.

5. Add Shading.

With the Rectangle still selected, select the Shading tab on the Quick Editor.

Select the "Cylinder" (Cyl) button at the bottom of the Shading dialog and the "Color 1" button. Adjust the sliders to make black. Select the "Color 2" button and adjust the sliders to make green. The rectangle should now look like a green cylinder.

6. Add  Text.

Select the Text button on the left toolbar to open the text editor. Add the following text being sure to add a valid URL:

"Please visit the web site to download SiteSpinner V2."

Select OK to exit the Text editor. Move the Text Object so that it is below the Green Bar. Use your keyboard keys to nudge it into place.

7. Add a Title.

Select the Title button on the left toolbar. Add the following text:

"My Web Site"

Select OK to exit the editor. Move the Title Object above the bar. Use you mouse to adjust the size of the Title by dragging the corner.

8. Shade the Title.

With the Title still selected, select the Shading tab in the Quick Editor. Select the Radial button at the bottom of the Shading dialog and adjust the sliders to assign the Title two colors of your own choosing.

9. Assign a Background color.

Open the Page Editor (left toolbar) and select the Background tab. Use the sliders to assign a background color to the page.

10. Add Meta Tags and a Title.

Open the Page Editor again and select the Title tab. Enter a Title and Page Description. Enter a list of Keywords separated by commas to help the search engines find this page. Exit the Page Dialog.

11. Preview.

Select the single, red Preview button ">" on the top tool bar. You should now see the web page in your default Browser. Return to the editor by closing the Browser.

12. Cleanup.

Unwanted Objects such as the red arrows can be removed from this Page by Cutting them (Ctrl-X). The Delete Key is used to remove shared Objects from the entire project. Do not Delete an Object unless you know that it is not used on any other pages.

13. Publishing your Project.

The Publisher can be opened from the top tool bar (old fashioned printing press icon). You can Publish to a local directory or FTP to your remote website host. A Gather option is included to transfer any referenced files such as pictures and multi-media. Follow the instructions in the publisher to set it up for the first time.

14. Next.

Congratulations, you have now been familiarized with 5% of the features available in this program. Please review the other tutorials for more in-depth working examples. Detailed Help is also available from the Help menu and in many of the dialogs. If you need help with a specific problem please visit our on-line support forum.